
  • Abandoned Cart

    Recover lost sales with these examples of Abandoned Cart emails. Abandoned cart emails, cart abandonment series, or shopping cart abandonments are automated reminders sent to individuals who have not completed an online transaction. Explore how top brands remind customers of what they've left behind and entice them with irresistible offers. Discover tactics that turn 'almost' into 'absolutely'!

  • Comment Notification

    Comment notification emails, also known as automated comment triggers, are specific for sites and apps that allow commenting. Their purpose is to bring individuals back to the platform where comments and conversations are happening so that the recipient can reply and, ultimately, become more engaged and loyal.

  • Curated Content

    Delight your audience with expertly curated content. Discover how to mix and match engaging articles, videos, and more to keep subscribers hooked. These emails showcase the best in bringing valuable content right to the inbox.

  • Customer Appreciation

    Show your customers some love with these Customer Appreciation emails. Explore creative ways to say "thank you" and build lasting relationships. These examples highlight the power of gratitude in boosting customer loyalty.

  • Customer Service

    Elevate your customer service game with these stellar email templates. Learn how to address inquiries, provide solutions, and enhance the customer experience seamlessly. Your customers will feel valued and heard with these expert examples.

  • Engagement

    Boost your engagement rates with dynamic email ideas. From interactive elements to personalized messages, see how top marketers keep their audience involved. These emails are designed to drive action and keep the conversation going.

  • Follow-Up

    Keep the conversation going with effective follow-up emails. Discover techniques to reconnect with your audience after an initial interaction. These templates show how persistence pays off in building strong relationships.

  • Loyalty / Rewards

    Loyalty emails create a sense of urgency and show customer appreciation with milestones. “Once you spend X amount of money, you’ll earn this freebie.” You can create triggered emails based on customers signing up for a new loyalty account, showing them how they can earn rewards and save money on future purchases, and send an alert when reward points are expiring to keep customers engaged.

  • Product Recommendations

    Boost sales with tailored product recommendations. See how to use browsing and purchase history to suggest items your customers will love. These emails make shopping easy and personalized for every subscriber.

  • Referral

    Turn customers into advocates with these Referral email campaigns. Discover strategies to encourage sharing and reward loyal customers. These examples show the power of word-of-mouth marketing in growing your business.

  • Retention / Re-engagement

    Before you lose a reader to inactivity or unsubscribing, you can pique their interest again with retention and reactivation emails. The best emails that re-engage subscribers are triggered by subscriber data, such as last purchase date, user activity, and segmentation. These emails remind the recipient of why they signed up, they spark curiosity, or introduce new ways to engage with your platform.

  • Review and Testimonial

    Use these expert email templates as inspiration to gather glowing reviews and showcase satisfied customers. Learn to encourage positive feedback and build trust through impactful testimonials.

  • Summary

    Keep your subscribers informed with concise summary emails. See how to distill important information into digestible updates. These examples help you communicate effectively and keep your audience in the loop.

  • Feedback and Survey and Poll

    Gather valuable insights with our Feedback and Survey email examples. See how to craft compelling questions and encourage responses. These emails show how to turn customer opinions into actionable data.

  • Unsubscribe

    Handle unsubscribes gracefully with our thoughtful email examples. Learn how to provide options and leave a positive last impression. These emails show how to part ways without burning bridges.


  • Beta

    Announce new features with Beta email templates. Learn how to invite users to test and provide feedback on your latest developments. These emails show how to build excitement and gather valuable insights from your audience.

  • Onboarding

    Onboarding emails can be the second most important emails your customers receive (second to welcome emails). These emails serve as a crucial educational tool to teach your audience about the value of a product, software, or service.

  • Welcome

    Think of a welcome email as your readers' first impression of your company. Welcome emails have the highest delivery, open, and click-through rates. Your welcome email should be friendly, inviting, informative, and it should “wow” your audience, thanking them for joining the party! Send a welcome email as soon as your audience signs up so they’re instantly introduced to who you are, what they can expect from your company, and you can build trust with your audience.


  • Announcement

    Announcement emails share something new or updated with your business, a product, or processes. These emails guide the reader with how-to tutorials, images showing the updates, and sharing information. An announcement email might promote a masterclass opening up seats, a company offering a giveaway, nonprofit fundraising, or a product launching.

  • Product Launch

    When you're getting ready to launch a product, a feature, or a service update, product launch emails are a great way to engage your audience. Think pre-order invitations, semi-annual sale announcements, and event invites. You can create a product launch email sequence to build anticipation with a teaser, the announcement, and then the release.

  • Product Update / New Feature

    Product update and new feature emails act as announcement emails that catch the audience's attention. These emails showcase an exclusive look at introducing an updated product or feature. If you're building an email sequence, these emails will usually fall in the middle of the sequence, after a teaser email and before the product or feature release.

  • Promotion

    Promotion emails present a problem and a solution to the audience (Ex: Need a last-minute gift? Save 40% now with this coupon). These emails should capture the subscribers' attention with an organized and easy-to-read layout and include a clear CTA that prompts them to make a purchase or use a promo code.

  • Case Study

    Share success stories with case study emails. Learn how to present detailed examples of your work and its impact. These emails demonstrate how real-world results can influence and inspire your audience.

  • Upselling

    Upselling emails can give your customers additional options. “Since you looked at these pants, you might also like this shirt to match” or “People who bought this planner also bought this gel pen.” An upsell email should create curiosity, leading to an additional or upgraded purchase.

  • Webinar

    Webinars are more prevalent than ever since making the shift from in-person events. Craft enticing webinar emails to educate your audience on the event's value and why it's worth investing their time in it. Notify attendees when you're going live, and place the post-webinar recording information in proximity to your CTA.

  • Winback

    Reignite interest with compelling winback emails. See how to craft messages that lure back inactive customers with special offers. These templates are designed to rekindle the flame and bring customers back.


  • Award

    Celebrate achievements with these Award email examples. Learn how to announce and highlight accolades in a way that inspires pride and excitement. These emails showcase success and build community recognition.

  • Browse Abandonment

    Turn browsing into buying with these Browse Abandonment email campaigns. Discover how to remind visitors of the products they explored and encourage them to return. These examples show how to capture lost opportunities and drive sales.

  • Confirmation

    Confirmation emails are those sweet emails you send to customers when something happens, like when they sign up for your newsletter, make a purchase, and when their order ships. These emails help your audience understand where they’re at in the process of interacting with your brand and your product.

  • CSS Animation

    Captivate your audience with CSS-animated emails. Learn how to use motion to draw attention and enhance your message. These emails showcase the creativity and effectiveness of animation in marketing.

  • Emergency

    These are regularly being updated to showcase the emails that companies are sending out to customers and employees concerning the 🦠 COVID-19 Pandemic among other emergencies. In an effort to provide everyone resources we're relaxing our normal "guidelines" for what makes a Really Good Email so that even emails with only strong text are making it into this category. Everyone stay safe out there. We dearly appreciate this community. Here's our article on the topic:

  • Event / Conference / Trade Show

    Show your audience the value of your event by personalizing the experience. Explain what an event will do for your readers, why it’s worth their time and money. By simplifying the RSVP process, highlighting event speakers, and including how your audience can access post-event recordings, you can entice your audience and nurture that relationship.

  • Gamification

    Make marketing more engaging with gamification in emails. Learn how to incorporate game elements to boost interaction and drive results through playful experiences.

  • Illustration

    Enhance your emails with captivating illustrations and learn how custom graphics can make your messages stand out. These examples emphasize the beauty and effectiveness of illustrated email designs.

  • Inclusion

    RGE's goal has always been to highlight and amplify the works and words of others. We see you, we hear you, and we'll continue to support you. If you've received an email that promotes diversity, equality, and inclusion, please submit it by using the submission link above ⬆

  • Infographic

    Convey complex information with infographic emails. Learn how to effectively and attractively communicate using visual data. Utilize infographics to make data digestible and engaging in emails.

  • Mobile and Responsive

    Ensure your emails appear great on any device with Mobile or Responsive designs. Learn how to create emails that seamlessly adapt to screens of all sizes. These examples demonstrate the importance of mobile-friendly emails for reaching your audience.

  • Upgrade and Premium

    Elevate the experience with these examples of upgrade or premium emails. Learn how to present premium options and benefits to your audience. These emails demonstrate how to effectively upsell and enhance customer satisfaction.

  • VML

    Enhance your email designs with VML to add visual appeal. Explore how vector markup language can elevate the look and feel of your emails through creative and impactful designs.


  • B2B

    81% of B2B marketers say email newsletters are one of their preferred formats of content marketing. B2B emails give people the opportunity to help solve a problem. B2B emails should also be concise. Businesses don’t need to reinvent the wheel; they can simplify the process for other businesses. Make your B2B emails count as you build trust with your audience and nurture relationships with existing audiences.

  • Ebook and Whitepaper

    Provide your subscribers with in-depth knowledge through e-books or whitepaper emails. Show the value of long-form content in educating and engaging your audience.

  • E-commerce

    E-commerce emails are more than sales and product launches. When you have someone’s email, you have the ability to communicate your values and re-emphasize why people gave them your email. Engage your audience with creative product staging, personalization, and storytelling.

  • Education / School

    Courses, ideas, and books, oh my! Educational and school emails highlight what's good in the educational world, personalizing the message per audience. For students, parents of students, and alumni, the emails might be geared more toward information on campus changes, upcoming events, book sales, and fundraising efforts. For online courses, companies and institutions will share promotional emails, progress on a course, and encouraging membership signups. These emails include a mix of illustrations, real people, and social proof on why you should attend, sign up, or donate.

  • Fashion

    Apparel & accessories emails are an opportunity to announce new products, collaborate with designers and other companies for cross-promotion, and get creative with the email design. Fashion emails focus on telling stories to connect with the audience. Show how your product can help the reader with interactive design elements and creative storytelling.

  • Financial

    How do you prevent your audience from hitting the snooze button on your financial emails? Bank and financial service provider emails should show ease of use with their products and personalize every message. Institutions can sprinkle in their personality by adding an image or GIF as it relates to their message, and make the customer experience that much more interactive.

  • Food Items

    You eat with your eyes first. That's why marketers tend to use stylized photography and close-up shots in food emails. The email copy is typically geared to our senses with promises and hyperbole used throughout. Think bright colors, bold text, and large images. All of these element play a part in enticing your audience to order, pick up, grab, or cook what's in their food emails.

  • Government

    Political / Government emails.

  • Music

    Get inspired with promotional emails from music companies, record labels, and artists promoting new music, events, and merchandise. Personalized, visually appealing, and effective, these emails are perfect for connecting with fans and driving engagement.

  • Nonprofit / Charity

    The most powerful nonprofit emails tell compelling stories through written and visual content. Educate your audience, thank them, and share campaign milestones. All of these elements help your audience understand the value of the nonprofit organization and why they should support the mission.

  • SaaS

    While software products are nearly invisible, the impact on subscribers and customers is clear thanks to social proof and referrals in SaaS emails. There are tons of opportunities to educate your audience, announce new features, and bring software to life in your emails. Keep SaaS email designs clean, add original images, and give elements (like text, images, and buttons) the space they need to shine.

  • Shipping

    Shipping emails are the call the next day after a really good date. These transactional emails notify customers once their purchase is on its way and when they can expect to get their package in the mail. Shipping emails are also a great opportunity to suggest similar products for customers to make another purchase, share social proof about other products, and include info on how to contact customer support about an order.


  • Apology / Oops

    Ya goofed. Pulled the wrong merge info, or, maybe no merge info at all so your subscriber is left with something like |MERGE FNAME|. An apology or oops email is a great way to let your audience know you sent them the wrong message and you're trying to make it right. Depending on the subject matter, you can use this as an opportunity to send a playful or humorous message to your audience and let them know you'll do better next time.

  • Back in Stock

    When your customers love an out-of-stock item, create an option for them to be notified when it’s back in the store. Asking people to get on the list creates urgency. When the item returns, you want to persuade customers to make that purchase more than ever, using verbiage such as “Get it now before it’s gone,” “While supplies last,” and “Limited quantities available." Help guide customers toward purchasing the item so they don’t miss out before it’s gone again. Show them the value in returning to buy the item.

  • Newsletter

    Newsletter emails keep your audience in the know of updates, news, and releases related to your product, services, or company. These emails are an opportunity to share blog posts, interviews, roundups, and other helpful information. Companies tend to send newsletter emails on a schedule: daily, weekly, bi-weekly, and even monthly. Newsletters are also intended to be interactive to engage your audience, posing questions or encouraging subscribers to follow an action, such as replying to the email or clicking a link to your website.



  • Birthday

    Birthday email marketing is a great way to show your customers you care and increase sales. To create effective birthday email campaigns, personalize your emails, offer exclusive deals and discounts, make your emails fun and engaging, and track your results. When done right, birthday email marketing can be a powerful tool for increasing sales and building customer loyalty.

  • Black Friday

    Black Friday emails are all about persuading the audience on why they don't want to miss out on a sale the day after Thanksgiving. These emails create a sense of urgency with a limited time to redeem a promo code or take advantage of a special discount. The goal is to get customers to purchase something now before it's too late.

  • Christmas

    Christmas emails get customers in the holiday (and shopping) spirit with promotions, discounts, recipes, and more. A really good Christmas email will connect with the audience, it might include an interesting GIF, red, green, and gold colors throughout the email, and a clear CTA.

  • Cyber Monday

    Cyber Monday emails give customers another chance to take advantage of major ecommerce sales on the Monday after Thanksgiving and Black Friday. Cyber Monday surpassed Black Friday in being the biggest shopping holiday of the year, and it wraps up what's known as Cyber Week. The goal of Cyber Monday emails is to create urgency, advertise promotions, and get customers in the virtual door to make holiday purchases.

  • Earth Day

    Earth Day emails roll out on or around April 22 to celebrate sustainability and protecting the environment. These emails encompass the spirit that the Earth isn't Uranus, and how people can do their part to keep the darn thing clean. The first Earth Day birthday took place on April 22, 1970 (not to be confused with that annual hard rock concert).

  • Fall / Autumn

    Fall is one of the busiest seasons during the year for sales and donations with Labor Day (U.S.), Oktoberfest, Halloween, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday, and Giving Tuesday. This is a great opportunity to reward your subscribers by including special offers, promotions, and quality content in your fall emails that lead back to your site, your blog, or your shop.

  • Giving Tuesday

    Giving Tuesday emails can help create awareness for a nonprofit or a charity. Giving Tuesday is the day after Cyber Monday, which follows immediately after Thanksgiving and Black Friday. Nonprofit organizations send Giving Tuesday emails to match pledges or increase donations. For-profits send Giving Tuesday emails with an offer, such as rounding up purchases or matching pledges to donate to a charity.

  • Halloween

    Halloween emails can be a great opportunity to get creative while promoting sales on services and/or products. A really good Halloween email might include unique typography that resembles bones or slime, fun GIFs, and a combination of the colors orange, black, yellow, brown, white, and/or gray throughout the design.

  • Holiday

    Holiday emails call for a celebration. These emails highlight discounts, giveaways, sweepstakes, holiday events, and more to entice readers to engage with the email during a certain time of the year. A few popular examples of holiday emails include fourth of July emails, Christmas emails, and national days like National Coffee Day. From the email copy to the design, really good holiday emails put a fun twist on the main message.

  • Seasonal

    Seasonal emails cover all things spring, summer, fall / autumn, winter, and everything in between. With the "rainy" season, the "snowy" season, "candle" season, holiday season, and more, seasonal emails can draw attention to a specific product or a special offer. Seasonal emails give you the opportunity to wow your audience with something they need and help create urgency.

  • St. Patrick’s Day

    St. Patrick's Day became a thing in the 17th century to commemorate Christianity's arrival in Ireland and the saint's death on March 17th. (See a pattern? 17th century, March 17th...maybe we're just making something out of nothing here with the numbers.) St. Patrick's Day emails throw on their best shades of green to celebrate Irish heritage and culture with feasting, merrymaking, and holiday discounts. Show your customers to the pot of gold with the VIP treatment of personalization.

  • Summer

    Inspiration without perspiration. Summer emails depict the spirit of the season with bright colors and bold designs. Companies share things to do outside, dipping your toes in the sand, and creative ways to enjoy a vacation (or staycation)! Turn up the heat with these summer emails.

  • Thanksgiving

    Eating pie. Hanging with fam and friends. Blessing the harvest by watching people play sports. This national holiday is celebrated in the United States, Canada, Grenada, Saint Lucia, and Liberia to give thanks. Here are some Thanksgiving emails to get in the spirit.

  • Valentine's Day

    Whether you’re celebrating Valentines, Gal-entines, Pal-entines, or any of the other words-that-rhyme-with-al-entines that were created by marketing teams of yore, Valentine's Day emails are a great way to show your audience some love. These emails are showered in hearts, chocolates, flowers, red, white, and pink to share Valentine's Day discounts, promos, and messages filled with customer appreciation.


  • Countdown and Timer

    Create a sense of urgency with countdown or timer emails to prompt action. Learn how to incorporate time-sensitive elements to increase conversions. These examples illustrate the effectiveness of urgency in email marketing.

  • GIF

    Add a touch of fun with GIFs in your emails. Discover how animated images can capture attention and convey messages quickly. These emails show the playful side of marketing with engaging visuals.

  • Interactive Elements

    Engage your audience with interactive elements in emails. Learn how to incorporate clickable features that make your emails dynamic and engaging. These examples demonstrate how to make emails more than just static messages.

  • Personalized

    These personalized email examples make every email feel special. You can learn how to use data to tailor messages that resonate personally. These emails show the magic of making each subscriber feel unique.

  • Video

    Bring your emails to life with embedded videos. Learn how to use video content for effective messaging and audience engagement. These examples demonstrate the power of video in email marketing.

  • Unique Web Fonts

    Stand out with unique web fonts in your email designs. Learn how to use typography creatively to make your messages stand out. These emails demonstrate the impact of great font choices on readability and style.